How Many Trulys to Get Drunk Based on Weight – The Science of Intoxication

We’ve all been there. You’re at a social gathering, and you’re offered a Truly, one of those popular hard seltzers that promise a low-calorie, fruity experience alongside the punch of alcohol. But how many Trulys does it take to get drunk? And does your weight factor into it? You bet it does!

This blog post dives deep into the topic to provide an in-depth analysis that is both scientifically accurate and easy to understand. Let’s unpack how alcohol affects your body; the role weight plays, and how many Trulys you might need to feel tipsy, buzzed, or downright drunk. Are you ready? Let’s get started.

The Science Behind Getting Drunk

Happens When You Drink Alcohol

What Happens When You Drink Alcohol?

The moment you take that first sip of alcohol, a series of biological events unfolds in your body. Alcohol enters your bloodstream primarily through your stomach and small intestine. Once in the bloodstream, it makes its way to your brain, affecting neurotransmitters that control your behavior, motor functions, and emotions.

The feeling of being “drunk” is the result of alcohol affecting various neurotransmitters in the brain. These include dopamine, which is associated with pleasure and reward, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which has a sedative effect.

The interplay of these and other neurotransmitters leads to the varied effects of drunkenness, such as lowered inhibitions, impaired judgment, and sluggish movements.

Alcohol Absorption and Metabolism

alcohol and digestive system

Alcohol gets metabolized primarily in the liver by enzymes, mainly alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). The rate at which this happens is relatively constant for an individual but can vary among different people. On average, a human liver can process approximately one standard drink per hour.

What constitutes a “standard drink”? In the United States, it’s usually 14 grams of pure alcohol, roughly equivalent to a 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or a 1.5-ounce shot of distilled spirits. Your liver works round the clock to filter out toxins, including alcohol. However, consuming alcohol faster than your liver can metabolize it results in the alcohol circulating in your bloodstream, leading to intoxication.

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)

Blood Alcohol Concentration, or BAC, is the most common way to measure and quantify alcohol intoxication. It’s expressed as a percentage that indicates the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream. For instance, a BAC of 0.08% means that 0.08% of your blood is alcohol.

  • In most states, a BAC of 0.08% is the legal limit for driving.
  • A BAC between 0.03% and 0.12% usually results in feelings of euphoria, talkativeness, and relaxation.
  • Higher BAC levels above 0.12% can result in impaired motor control, risky behavior, and in extreme cases, alcohol poisoning or death.

How Truly Fits Into the Equation

Truly Alcohol Content

Alcohol Content in Truly

Truly hard seltzers generally contain about 5% alcohol by volume (ABV), making them somewhat less potent than most beers, which usually hover around 5-6% ABV. Because of the lower alcohol content, many people assume that they can drink more Trulys before getting drunk.

But remember, the key is moderation. Each can of Truly contains about 14 grams of pure alcohol, which is equivalent to a standard drink. To feel the effects of the alcohol, one can will usually not be sufficient for most adults, but several cans might be enough to get you tipsy or even drunk, depending on your weight and other factors.

Caloric Intake

One advantage of Truly over other alcoholic beverages is its relatively low caloric content. Each can typically contain about 100 calories. In comparison, a bottle of beer can range from 150 to 200 calories, while cocktails can easily exceed 250 calories per serving.

If you’re concerned about weight gain while enjoying alcoholic beverages, Truly is a less caloric option. However, be cautious of the sugar content, as many Truly flavors contain added sugars, which can add up if you consume multiple cans.

Weight Matters

Alcohol and Body Weight

Alcohol and Body Weight

Your body weight plays a significant role in how quickly you become intoxicated. Generally, the more you weigh, the more alcohol you’ll need to consume to reach a specific BAC level. This is because a larger body mass has more water, which dilutes the alcohol, reducing its effects. However, this is a generalized statement, and individual variations can significantly affect how quickly someone gets drunk.

The Gender Factor

It’s not just weight that matters; gender does, too. Studies show that women usually metabolize alcohol more slowly than men. Additionally, women generally have a higher percentage of body fat and less water in their bodies, making them more susceptible to the effects of alcohol.

Hormonal fluctuations can also affect how quickly women metabolize alcohol, making them more or less sensitive to its effects at different times.

Other Factors

  • Metabolism Rate: Some people naturally have a faster metabolism, allowing them to process alcohol more quickly.
  • Food Intake: Consuming food before or while drinking can slow down alcohol absorption.
  • Medications: Certain medications can interact with alcohol, intensifying its effects.

Putting It All Together


Calculations and Considerations

Now, let’s put all this information into a practical context. If you weigh around 160 pounds and are male, consuming about three Trulys could put you at or above the legal driving limit of 0.08% BAC, according to general guidelines.

For a woman of the same weight, it could take as few as two Trulys. Remember, these are approximate figures and shouldn’t be used as a definitive guide for drinking and driving, which is dangerous and illegal when intoxicated.

A Handy Chart

To help you gauge how many Trulys it might take to reach certain BAC levels based on weight, consider this general guideline:

  • 120 pounds: 1-2 Trulys for a BAC of 0.04%-0.08%
  • 140 pounds: 2-3 Trulys for a BAC of 0.04%-0.08%
  • 160 pounds: 2-4 Trulys for a BAC of 0.04%-0.08%
  • 180 pounds: 3-4 Trulys for a BAC of 0.04%-0.08%
  • 200 pounds: 3-5 Trulys for a BAC of 0.04%-0.08%

Responsible Drinking

Responsible Drinking

Know Your Limit

Understanding your body’s limits is crucial for responsible drinking. Always know how much you’re consuming and how it’s affecting you. Tools like BAC calculators can give you a rough estimate but should not be relied upon for critical decisions like driving.

Social and Legal Consequences

The social and legal repercussions of irresponsible drinking are significant. Drinking and driving risks not just your life but others on the road. Being drunk in public can also result in social stigmatization and legal issues. Always arrange for a designated driver, take public transport, or use a rideshare service if you plan on drinking.


What is Truly Hard Seltzer?

Truly Hard Seltzer is an alcoholic beverage that contains 5% alcohol by volume (ABV). It is a popular choice among those looking for a lighter alternative to beer or cocktails.

How many cans of Truly do I need to get drunk?

The number of Truly cans needed to get drunk varies based on several factors, including your weight. On average, it takes 4 to 5 cans for a person to be considered legally drunk, which is a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08%.

Does weight affect how many Trulys I need to get drunk?

Yes, your weight significantly impacts how many Truly cans you’ll need to consume to get drunk. For example, a man weighing 180 pounds may need 4 to 6 cans, while a woman of the same weight might need 3 to 5 cans.

What is the alcohol content in a can of Truly?

A can of Truly contains 5% ABV, which is similar to most standard beers.

How quickly does the alcohol in Truly kick in?

The alcohol in Truly begins to take effect about 10 minutes after consumption. Due to its carbonation, Truly is absorbed more quickly than non-carbonated alcoholic beverages.

Can Truly give you a hangover?

Yes, like other alcoholic beverages, consuming too many Trulys can result in a hangover. The severity of the hangover may vary based on individual tolerance and other factors.

Is Truly faster at getting you drunk compared to beer?

The rate at which you get drunk from Truly is similar to that of beer, given that both have similar ABV percentages. However, the carbonation in Truly may lead to faster absorption, potentially getting you drunk quicker.

How does Truly compare to other hard seltzers like White Claw?

Truly and White Claw both contain 5% ABV. The number of cans needed to get drunk is similar for both beverages.

Is it safe to drive after drinking Truly?

It is not safe to drive after consuming enough Truly to reach a BAC of 0.08% or higher. Even lower amounts can impair your ability to drive safely.

Can I mix Truly with other alcoholic beverages?

Mixing Truly with other alcoholic drinks can increase your BAC more quickly and may lead to faster intoxication. Exercise caution, especially if you are also taking medications, as this can result in potentially dangerous interactions.

Final Words

Drinking Truly hard seltzers can be a delightful experience, but it’s crucial to understand how much it takes for you to get drunk, especially considering your weight. It’s always best to err on the side of caution and remember that the effects of alcohol can vary greatly from person to person. Always drink responsibly and stay within the bounds of the law. Cheers!